Typing Training Continues

Hi All,

It's been quite a while since I've posting, but I wanted to log on and share that my typing has continued to get better and better and I am now up to 94 word per minutes (unfortunately not perfectly accurate, but oh well). When I shared my score last year, I was in the 60's but my form was still a bit awkward. Well, not so much any more! My form is becoming more and more like it used to be and I am getting close to being just as comfortable typing as I used to be.  Joy!

I'll post another update soon about how everything else is going, but for now, I'll just say that things are going well!


  1. Now are you able to extend all the fingers?

    1. Yep, I can extend all my fingers, but my middle finger does still droop a little. I will share another video soon to share how my hand is doing 1.5 years after my injury.

    2. Thanks for the update, I met with an bike accident and my shoulder was dislocated, because of which my radial nerve and ulnar nerve get damaged, I had a compete wrist drop doctor said I need to undergo tendon transfer, also dey were saying no guaranty for recovery. It's been almost 4months now and I got full recover of wrist I.e., I can extend wrist but not fingers... This improved in with in 2months.. But only problem now is that, finger Extension is not yet back...

    3. Hi Damu, I am not a doctor but based on the fact that you can extend your wrist now it sounds like your nerve is recovering at least somewhat. Have you talked to the doctors again recently about your nerves and the need for a tendon transfer?

    4. I do not have trust with doctors as dey want to do surgery... Also they demotivates me thus I'm taking ayurvedic treatment and manipulation therapy...

  2. Thank you so much for documenting this, and I'm glad you have got much of the way to a recovery. I am just at the beginning of my journey, after having a bicep repair which has left me with identical symptoms to you. I can echo your thoughts on the just not knowing when or even if you will get any recovery, the uncertainty is the worst part. Like you, my hands are a big part of my job, which I love, engine builder. I'll never give it up, but it would be much easier if my right hand still worked. My days are sometimes consumed by thinking of different ways I could complete tasks..........

    Today I build my own "Turbo Hand" :)

    Your method, and ethos are inspiring though, I am trying to do the same regarding healthy eating and quality sleep, currently struggling with the latter as my operation scar is not totally healed quite yet and is right in the bend of my elbow.

    Your doctors and therapists, seem as though they know what they are doing, your own positiveness and that of others around you is a key factor I believe. My experience is less so, hence me doing my own research for exercises and people going through the same thing.

    Thank you once again, finding reading this blog in one go has certainly cheered me up no end.

    All the best to you.


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