Turbo Arm

Hello everyone! Meet Turbo Arm!

About a month ago my physical therapist made me this crazy custom brace, which I have taken to calling my turbo arm or bionic arm. The brace basically functions to pull the joint at the base of my finger up so I can extend my fingers and have more functionality.

At first, I was hesitant to get the brace because it is rather giant and cost $300, but my physical therapist was insistent.

I'm glad he was because I actually think the brace is awesome. I wear it
between 2 and 4 hours a day (mostly at home or when I'm hidden away in my office) and it does help my hand function more like normal.

Also, my physical therapist was telling me last Thursday that using the brace allows me to use my hand and fingers like I used to, which also prevents my brain from entirely remapping the use of my hand. Sounds kind of weird, but the nerve regrows so slowly that the brain can kind of forget how to use the hand like it did before. The brace will hopefully prevent that so that when my muscles are reinnervated again, my brain still remembers how to tell them what to do.

Sounds good to me!


  1. That all sounds amazing and I'm so impressed by all the things you've learned to do so far! And with your new turbo arm, I'll be envisioning you like this: https://media.giphy.com/media/z8lV4Mx6NyhtS/giphy.gif

    1. Thanks Christie! OMG, yes I will imagine myself as Ripley. Gonna kick some butt!

    2. Please can you give me the exercises you done for your radial nerve injury. I need them plz

  2. Hi, mine started in May of this year fell asleep in the chair woke up an hour or so later with drop wrist. Been through all the test now I where a cock up brace. See a neurologist in August. I have found some exercises for online. The worst part is it’s my dominant hand so now the other is getting overused making matters worse. Not something i wish to experience again.


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