Things I Can Do

Improvement with my hand is slow, almost imperceptible, but as the weeks progress I find I can do more and more. Here are some things I can do now without a problem:
  • Use chopsticks. I was pleased to learn this during a sushi dinner with Ryan in Berkeley. Thanks for the picture, Ryan!
  • Use silverware
  • Cut with a knife
  • Write (!)
  • Open bottles if the lid isn't too tight
  • Carry things
  • Braid my hair. I did this for the first time yesterday, and I was very excited.
  • Put on makeup
  • Put on a bra
  • Strum the guitar. I am even starting to be able to fingerpick a little.
  • Sleep normally with my arm tucked under the pillow the way I like it.
  • Unlock a door with a key
  • Tie my shoes
These might seem like small things, but when I was able to do each one again, they seemed like big victories.

Things are good!


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