Thank You

Happy Thanksgiving! This is just a post to say "thank you" to all the wonderful people who have helped and supported me so far. Jim I cannot begin to describe how amazing Jim has been through all of this. From taking me to the emergency room on the night I hurt myself, to cooking me multiple healthy meals a day, to putting on my shower sleeve, he has been so amazingly helpful and giving. Having a medical situation like this is hard, but having a loving partner to help you sure makes it a hell of a lot easier. Ryan and Dora So many thanks go to Ryan and Dora for letting us stay with them for several days after my surgery, and being helpful and upbeat during those days. I was pretty depressed at that time and it was wonderful to be around such good friends. Christie Another thank you goes to Christie for her help with navigating my medical care right after my injury. Making decisions about doctors is hard enough when you are not injured, let alone when you have a ...