First Physical Therapy Session

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I had my first physical therapy session today. It went well and my new therapist is really nice. He is gentle and quiet--almost soothing--and I think he'll do a good job.

During the session, my therapist reviewed my surgical report and we discussed my injury a little. Then he took off my brace and very gingerly stretched my fingers upward and did a few more very gentle passive movements with my hand. Then he measured the size and strength of my good hand and wrist to use as a comparison as we progress. Last, he gave me some more stretches for homework and then put my splint back on.

In case you're wondering why therapy is important, there are many reasons, but here are two. First, my hand is going to be immobilized at the wrist for another five weeks so we need to keep my other joints moving so they don't freeze up from inactivity. Second, we need to keep my joints, tendons, and muscles nimble so that if I need a tendon transfer later, my body will still be in good condition for it. That surgery itself wouldn't be for another year probably so that means I'm facing lots of physical therapy, but I'm up for it. I'm willing to do pretty much anything to get use of my hand back.

Which is a good thing because the physical therapy office is down in San Luis Obispo, which is 45 minutes away, and I have to go twice week. That's three hours per week of driving. I'm not looking forward to that part but it'll be worth it.


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