Stitches Out

Yesterday, I got my stitches out and the doctor said that my injury looks good. Excellent healing, no sign of infection, etc.

At this point, I no longer need a bandage and I can shower like normal. It's pretty weird taking my brace on and off because my hand seems more like a pile of playdough than part of my body. It just doesn't work, so it feels foreign. Like it doesn't belong to me.

Other than that, I'm mostly doing fine. I'm just getting used to the frustrations of one-handed life, like eating a salad with my left hand. That is the worst. I was always a bit awkward when I used my dominant hand to eat a salad. Now I'm a wreck.

That said, my doctor said that I am handling this with more serenity and acceptance than he's ever seen in any patient before.  In fact, he even checked to be sure I understood the severity and probable outcomes of the injury because of my good attitude. I explained that I've read a ton about my condition and that I am trying to stay positive and stress-free because it is important for getting better.

So, here I am trying to stay positive. I've got my stitches out and I'm healing well, so I am happy. I am taking this day-by-day, focusing on my physical therapy, and looking forward to having a functioning hand again after a probable tendon transfer surgery.

Life is still good.


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