Life with One Hand

Having the use of just one hand definitely provides lots of new challenges. I'm steadily adjusting, but here's a little info on some of my new-found difficulties:
  • Chopping vegetables - This is basically impossible with one hand, but I am lucky that my friend Christie bought me a fancy cutting board to help. It's super useful!
  • Opening bottles and jars - Again, this is basically impossible with one hand, but the cutting board Christie got me also has a vice on it that allows me to do this myself.
  • Buttoning shirts and pants - I haven't even tried to button a shirt, but I've worked out buttoning pants. As long as the pants aren't super tight, I can just zip them first and then pull the button closed.
  • Putting on a bra - Jim helps me with this since it's really hard with one hand. I will probably end up trying to get some cute sports bras to make this something I can do myself.
  • Typing - I am a pretty fast typer in general so I am still pretty fast with one hand, but it is frustrating to be slower than I was.
  • Writing - I am getting better at writing left-handed everyday, which is weird because I haven't even practiced that much. I think my brain is just rewiring or something. It's strange. 
  • Driving - This isn't actually that hard since I have an automatic car, but it took me a while to have the confidence and energy to try. Now that I have, I'm super happy to be driving and to have some independence back.
  • Eating - Using a fork or spoon is kind of a pain since I can't hold the plate or bowl, and I can't use a knife, but I am adjusting.
  • Showering - I have pump bottles for shampoo and conditioner, which is very helpful. 
  • Doing My Hair -  Jim just puts my hair in a ponytail for me everyday.
There's not that much info out there on life with one hand, but here are just a few resources for dealing with some of the challenges I mentioned, as well as some others:


  1. Some great ideas here, Jeanne. Move past the frustrations and applaud yourself for the adaptive triumphs. Big kudos to Jim for his support too. Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much! I am working hard to get life back to normal and things are going pretty well.

  2. I had to switch to using a computer mouse left handed, and I was surprised at how fast my brain re-wired that skill. Only took about a week.

    1. Totally! Left handed mousing was a prett easy thing to get used to fo some reason.


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