The Cost of an Injury: Why We Need Universal Healthcare

In October, I sufffered an arm injury. It was an accident. I slipped and fell and cut my arm. I was sober, possibly a little tired, but I don't think anyone would say that I am to blame for what happened.

Even though I have employer-provided health insurance, my injury cost me $5,626.21 out-of-pocket in 2017. Here's a list of the costs so far, although things could still post to my account. The urgent care bill just got added two weeks ago:
  • Urgent Care - $903.05
  • Surgery - $2524.35
  • Anethesiologist $918.54
  • Orthopeadic Doctor Appointments and Custom Arm Splint - $840.27
  • Physical Therapy - 11 sessions - $440
I was able to pay this $5,626.21 without it disrupting my life too much, but I think often about what I would do if I was less fortunate, or if I had a family to support. It's insane to have to pay this much money out-of-pocket for an average person.

Plus, next year, I will likely have another more complicated surgery and lots more physical therapy. My out-of-pocket maximum is $6,500 so when all is said and done, my 2017 and 2018 payments for this injury will almost definitely add up to around $12,126.21 out-of-pocket.

I consider myself lucky to be able to afford this, but how many other people can say that?

Why don't we have Universal Healthcare in this country? Why don't we support those who face this kind of misfortune? Where is our compassion?

If compassion doesn't motivate you, then keep in mind that anyone can slip and fall. Anyone can cut their arm, get in a car accident, or fall victim to cancer, through no fault of their own. And the next person could be you.

Can you afford it?


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