Another Doctor's Appointment

I had another doctor's appointment this past Thursday. It had been two months since my last appointment so I experienced big changes in the interim, and my doctor was quite impressed.

I showed him that I could extend all of my fingers upward and that only my middle finger was really lagging behind. He explained that that is actually normal and is exactly what he would expect if I had undergone a surgery to my forearm muscle.

Then he said "It's just your muscle now. Your nerve is healed!"

That was excellent news indeed. I do think my nerve still might have some recovering to do yet, but things are looking really good. My doctor didn't even mention anything about a future surgery, so there's a good chance that I won't need one.

The goal now is to heal that muscle! I am going to continue with all the healthy things I've been doing, including getting lots of sleep, eating nutritious food, exercising, and weightlifting (squats and arms with light weights).

I am going to heal all the wayor least, I'm going to try my darndest!


  1. Wow. Very happy to hear that :)
    How about TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) or MS (muscle stimulation) therapy? I think MS can be very helpful for healing your muscles.

  2. Hi! I got radial nerve palsy now after my left humerus bone broken. I got gone thru my surgery for 2 times unfortunately . The second time because of my previous screw in my plate got broken.. Fortunate enough that my nerve wasn't cut or damaged.. What doc says is just wait for the time.. "TIME HEALS "
    well.. Can i know the exercises you doing ? as i cant even move up my wrist n fingers.. And how long it takes for you to move up yr wrist bck to normal?


    1. Hi There, Sorry I am just seeing your comment now. With nerve injuries, the "time heals" idea is somewhat true. I hope you are improving!

      In terms of the exercises, until you have movement in your wrist, I think the most important thing you can do is to use your right hand to stretch the fingers of your left hand so that you don't lose flexibility in the hand.

      Also, I had a Phoenix Extended Outrigger Brace which is supposed to help your hand maintain the ability to move your fingers. It seemed to help.


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